Sunday, 16 May 2010


wow. the Chan Concert was AMZING! it was so much better than performing in the other choir i'm in. The Bach Choir doesn't have the same spirit and love that the St. Pat's Concert and Chamber Choir have. it's like, we are all together and connected when we sing, and a great feeling of.. something bigger than us, just overwhelms everyone. and we just sing until our chests are gasping for air and our voices hurt. but it feel just so good to sing like that. you feel powerful, like you can take on the world. it's just fantastic. 

i think anyone missing out on this is very unlucky. i loved it so much. it's like, i didn't like choir because of waking up early in the morning and stuff, and the after school practices, and my feet hurting like someone hit them with a hammer. but in the end, it was only a bit of pain for the greatest feeling in the world. not only is singing just amazing, but the applause we got blew me away and i was caught smiling so wide my jaw hurt, and i was almost in tears. 

the songs Weston Noble conducted made most of the people in the Concert Choir cry. why? i think it was because the way the music and the words combined made the songs in itself feel like a dream. Make Me and Instrument of Thy Peace was the song that brought people to tears. i looked around as we finished and was amazed on how many people were bawling. then i replayed the ending of the song in my head, and just wanted to sing it out, because it was so beautiful. and so, i was overwhelmed, and almost cried myself. Then when the whole thing ended, and we got all off stage, everyone was screaming, and chanting "2010!" and just everyone realizing it was over and all the hard work we put into it had payed off, made them cry. and that made me cry too. the energy after the concert was just unbelievable. i didn't want it to end. 

but it was late, around 11..? and i was tired. now it's 1:30 and i'm writing this because the thrill still hasn't gone down. it's started to, i feel my eyes getting heavy, but i just want to write down everything that happened because it was great. 

so this has been an experience i will never ever forget in my lifetime, and.. I CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR! :D 

"for it is in forgiving that we are forgiven. it is in dying that we are born to eternal life." 

Saturday, 8 May 2010


yup, the mayfair that VC has every year.
this year was fun because when i got there my friends were already there and they were waiting 4 me so we could sing kareoke. :) we sang "Baby" by JB & then we sang "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga. Baby was better than

and anyways, i saw a lot of really hot guys.. and it was fun :)
then when shaina, and sarah and practically everyone left, me sherilyn, jen, and meldrick walked around for a while. 

then my mom came up to me and told me that someone stole her purse. we looked around for a long time, calling her phone, and using the other walkie-talkie.. we came to conclusion @ the end that someone had stolen it, turned off her phone and done it to impress his/her friends or something ridiculous. my mom felt sick to her stomach.. and i feel horrible about this. Whoever did this clearly doesn't care about other people, and now thanks to them, my mom is spending her saturday afternoon canceling all her cards that were in her wallet, and canceling her cell phone plan. Who would want to steal a purse with not much money, and mostly just VERY important papers..?? it's just a horrible and disgusting thing to do. 

anyways, i'm really upset about this, and my mom is too. without her drivers license, she can't drive anywhere. and i can't call her or anything.. plus she doesn't have any money, and the person who took her purse might be spending everything in her bank account. plus this was one of her BEST purses..

i really hope the person who did this feels guilty for the rest of their life. 

Saturday, 1 May 2010


blah blah blah, i'm tired, but i can't fall asleep.
guess i'll try again. 

Chinatown and Shaina's sweet 16th

omg, alright so i just came home from my awesomely awesome friend, and her awesomely awesome party! Shaina i love you for inviting me to the best party i have been to in a loooong time!
so i was basically living a double life tonight, as in, my clothes.
so, today instead of going to school, our whole gr.10 class went to chinatown! yayyy!!
and everything was great! and i took a million pics! haha, but then i was searching through my camera to try and get better quality for pictures, and i pressed a button that accidentally deleted ALL OF THE PICTURES ON MY CAMERA!
there was 10 minutes left in the tour :(
and i was soooo depressed!! seriously, when i found out, my heart stopped for a second. i didn't know what to do! and i tried putting my camera into the computer later, but they weren't there :( it was the worst thing to happen to me like ever!
but aside from that, the day was really fun and.. nice :)
so, now i'm going to talk about the coolio party! so i bought this awesome shirt and showed it to my parents, then i found out that if i pull it down, it can become a dress, so i did, and my parents said i couldn't wear it as a dress cause it was too.... revealing or something. but i decided to wear it to shaina's party!
haha, so i went to chinatown in my jeans, went to shaina's house right after, and changed into my dress/shirt. i told my parents i was wearing this skirt and nice shirt, but i made that up. haha
anyways, i wore that the entire night with sheer tights, and everything was fine :) (btw: we went to the samosa garden) ;)
anyways, we were leaving the party pretty late, and i was going home with shaina, and my parents called me to tell me that they were gonna be @ shaina's house in about a min. i started freaking out, even though it only takes about 5 mins to get back to shaina's, but i still had to change back into my jeans! D:
so when we got to shaina's we went in the back way (thank god) and i quickly pulled my dress into a shirt and pulled my jeans on over my tights. ;P sneaky. then i put on my sweater, so it looked like i was wearing that outfit all day. i'm soooo sneaky! hahahaha. it was really fun too!
and the party was AMAZING! we got a dance floor, and danced A LOT! and i was screaming a lot too! haha, we had a cake fight, and took lots of pictures that i am not going to erase again!
anyways, overall it was a really fun day! so many memories! <3
ps- i will put a pic up on here later, like when i upload them onto my comp :P